ISSN 0868-4871
En Ru
ISSN 0868-4871
The Role Of Private Military Companies In The Implementation Of Contemporary International Police Operations

The Role Of Private Military Companies In The Implementation Of Contemporary International Police Operations


The activity of private military companies is a distinctive feature of military conflicts of the 21st century. These structures, whose services are used by the US and other actors in international relations, are becoming an effective tool for implementing foreign policy, as well as an integral part of the latest set of measures used during the implementation of police operations.
The relevance of the study of the problem is connected with the need to develop tools and methods to counter the activities of private military companies to prevent the emergence of new challenges and threats to the national security of states. The paper analyzes the activities of private military companies as one of the constituent forms of conducting police operations, reveals the models and specifics of the participation of these organizations in international police operations, which makes it possible to expand approaches to the consideration of existing issues.


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Keywords: national security; police operation; military intervention; international relations; private military companies; armed conflicts

Available in the on-line version with: 15.10.2022

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