ISSN 0868-4871
En Ru
ISSN 0868-4871
Structure, Models And Actors Of Transnational Lobbying

Structure, Models And Actors Of Transnational Lobbying


The article is devoted to the analysis of the structure, models and actors of transnational lobbying, not a new but still insufficiently studied political phenomenon. The development of transnational lobbying is caused by globalization, rising role of international business and non-governmental organizations, hybridization of traditional diplomacy, decision-making process becoming more complex both on national and international levels. On concrete examples four models of transnational lobbying are analyzed in the article: supranational lobbying, which includes the influence of interest groups in international organizations and international unions; diplomatic lobbying based on the influence of interest groups on foreign policies of its own states; foreign lobbying, when organized groups registered in separate jurisdictions, properties of authorities of other sovereign states; ethnic lobbying built on the influence of organized ethnic groups representing the interests of the diaspora living in a particular country, as well as the interests of states with which diasporas preserve ties. Undertaken analysis shows that study of decision making on national and international levels should include the factor of transnational lobbying. It became an integral part of political process of the international system as well as separate states.


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Keywords: lobbying; transnational lobbying; interest groups; international relations; international system

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