ISSN 0868-4871
En Ru
ISSN 0868-4871
Eurasian Civilizational Identity As An Ideational Foundation For A New Eurasian Association

Eurasian Civilizational Identity As An Ideational Foundation For A New Eurasian Association


This article analyzes the relationship between the national, cultural, civic and civilizational identity types. The originality of the relationships among them in Russia is compared to Western civilization. For Russia, because of the vastness of its spaces, its specifi c geopolitical position between East and West and the multinational composition of the population, the processes of collective self-identitifi cation have always been extremely complicated. The authors lay out the thesis that the national-cultural, civil, and civilizational types of identity in Russia correlate hierarchically and noncontradictorily with each other. Moreover, without one another, none of these types of identity could be either comprehended holistically or consistently implemented practically. The article further demonstates that Eurasian civilizational identity makes it possible to accentuate the positive aspects — those that unify peoples and nations — in the processes of forming national-cultural and civic identity. The example of the Altai region is used to show that Eurasian civilizational identity also allows for the formation of an adequate representation of regional identity as well.


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Keywords: national and cultural identity; civic identity; Eurasian identity; Russia; Eurasia; integration; regional identity

Available in the on-line version with: 15.02.2016

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