ISSN 0868-4871
En Ru
ISSN 0868-4871
Problems And Prospects Of Innovation Politics In Contemporary Russia: Proceedings Of A Moscow University Round Table

Problems And Prospects Of Innovation Politics In Contemporary Russia: Proceedings Of A Moscow University Round Table


A recent round table held at Lomonosov Moscow State University by the Russian Politics Program of the university’s Political Science Department was devoted to the problems of the country’s transition to a course of innovative development. Participants emphasized that in the context of globalization, the country needed to attain new levels of its economic, social and political status to ensure Russia a worthy place in the modern world; innovation can become one of the principal levers for facilitating such a turn of events. In this connection, the main problems and barriers that have hampered innovative development, as well as the goals and objectives of innovation policy and the prospects for creating a national innovation system, were raised at the round table for substantive discussion. In this context, at length, the role and functions of the subjects of innovative development, the corresponding directions of regional policy, and international scientifi c and technical cooperation were defi ned. The participants underscored that innovation activity is not limited to organizational and technological dimensions, but should also enjoy well-grounded political support.


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Keywords: innovations; traditions and innovations; innovation policy; national innovation systems; subjects of innovative development

Available in the on-line version with: 15.12.2017

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Number 6, 2017