ISSN 0868-4871
En Ru
ISSN 0868-4871
The Phenomenon Of Federalism And The Political And Legal Classification Of Contemporary Federal States

The Phenomenon Of Federalism And The Political And Legal Classification Of Contemporary Federal States


This article examines the phenomenon of modern federalism in its geopolitical dimension, underlining the importance of the task of creating a classification system for modern federal states. The author outlines and justifies 10 political and legal criteria of classification, with 32 differentiating characteristics. Each of 24 currently existing federal states receives a unique set of 10 features, presented in the form of a numerical combination. This approach allows us to determine the frequency of combinations of characteristics as well as to identify groups of similar federal states. Such a classification system is universal and allows us to classify not only currently existing federal states but also previous ones.


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Keywords: federation; federalism; federal structure; federal relations; classification of federal states; form of government; subject of the Federation

Available in the on-line version with: 15.06.2017

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Number 3, 2017