ISSN 0868-4871
En Ru
ISSN 0868-4871
Biopolitical Aspect Of Urban Management: Main Theoretical And Political Approaches

Biopolitical Aspect Of Urban Management: Main Theoretical And Political Approaches


The article provides a comprehensive analysis of biopolitical approaches to the study of urban governance on the example of the works by M. Foucault, B. Latour, J. Jacobs and J. Scott, and also assesses the possibility of applying these approaches in practice. For example, the idea of M. Foucault on the relationship between the organization of the urban environment and power practices allows modeling decision-making algorithms, that makes possible to influence the forms of behavior and life of the population, including through the structure of urban space. B. Latour’s observations on the ability of scientific constructs to transform the real order of things convince us to use prescriptive models in the formation of a desirable trend for the further development of urban spaces. J. Jacobs and J. Scott pointed out the need to take into account the habitual daily routine of the population, which helps to introduce flexibility and variability into management practices. The biopolitical view allows us to bring together the three considered approaches and use them both to study the biopolitical aspect of urban governance and to implement biopolitics.


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Keywords: biopolitics; cities; urban governance; urban planning; M. Foucault; В. Latour; J. Jacobs; J. Scott

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