ISSN 0868-4871
En Ru
ISSN 0868-4871
Post-truth And The Liberal Paradigm Of Postmodernity

Post-truth And The Liberal Paradigm Of Postmodernity


The article is devoted to the study of the phenomenon of post-truth, which has become relevant in the modern era. The modern era is interpreted by public thought as postmodernism. The rapid revolutionary changes that are taking place in the life of society, caused by globalization and the development of high technologies, objectively cannot exclude the “side eff ects” of these processes. One of these eff ects is post-truth as a representation of non-existent prototypes, events and facts. There is an idea that the world today is in the “gray” zone of its development, because there is a reassessment of the values of all spheres of social life and consciousness in a quasi-scientifi c way, for example, a mixture of styles, images, methods, etc. Liberal values associated with the rights and freedom of the individual have reached their apogee and have lost their moral and ethical foundation, while freedom mutates into its extreme form — “ freedom without borders”, permissiveness, anarchy. Consciousness is in a gap with reality, outside of clear ideological coordinates. The author considers that it is important today to build an information policy, taking into account the moral traditions of the culture of society, and to determine the limits of the sovereignty of the ideological perspective in which society will develop.


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Keywords: post-truth; simulacrum; postmodernism; fake; liberalism; freedom; individualism

Available in the on-line version with: 05.12.2021

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Number 6, 2021