ISSN 0868-4871
En Ru
ISSN 0868-4871
Political Transformations In The Context Of Global Instability And Uncertainty Of The Future (based On The Materials Of An International Expert Study)

Political Transformations In The Context Of Global Instability And Uncertainty Of The Future (based On The Materials Of An International Expert Study)


This work aims to analyze the results of an international expert study devoted to identifying global trajectories of political transformations in the contemporary world, characterized by high instability and uncertainty. The main scientifi c task was to determine the key contours of the emerging new world order and the critical threats, challenges and risks associated with this process facing humanity today. The study examines the key factors contributing to the current political destabilization at the global level, as well as the dominant trends of contemporary global development. The special place in the study is given to the Russian prospects in the system of the new world order. An essential part of the study is devoted to scrutinizing the formation of new socio-political ideologies and the corresponding value components. An equally important section of the study is the analysis of the contemporary model of globalization and the construction of scenarios for its transformation, including the emergence of new global development actors. The use of methods for combining expert assessments and scenario techniques made it possible to make scientifi cally signifi cant conclusions on the problems of the study.


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Keywords: political transformations; global instability; uncertainty of the future; global challenges; new ideology; value orientations; global development trends

Available in the on-line version with: 05.12.2021

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Number 6, 2021