ISSN 0868-4871
En Ru
ISSN 0868-4871
Developing Dialogue with Public Environmental Organizations: The Case of the Russian Nuclear Industry, Its Problems and Opportunities

Developing Dialogue with Public Environmental Organizations: The Case of the Russian Nuclear Industry, Its Problems and Opportunities


The article discusses the main features of the consolidation of the dialogue between the Russian nuclear industry and public environmental organizations in a situation characterized by the declining appeal of the nuclear industry. The research demonstrates that public environmental organizations, experts and academics, play a signifi cant role in the transformation of the social perception of nuclear energy, from its inadmissibility to a new degree of relevance. The article provides a historical overview of the public activity concerning the environmental protection, from its inception to the recent stage, when public environmental organizations gained some infl uence over the decision-making process concerning the development of some economic sectors (illustrated by the example of the nuclear industry). The author highlights several important types of public ecological organizations activity, from concrete actions of activists (picketing, rallies, protests), to the involvement of citizens in the decision-making process by engaging in a constructive dialogue between the state and the society. The article provides a set of specifi c conditions which are necessary for an eff ective cooperation and work of the expert community, reaching the conclusion that public environmental organizations have exercised signifi cant impact on the decisions of public authorities due to the fact that their leaders are members of intelligentsia and leading experts in the fi eld, namely: military servants, scientists, politicians.


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Keywords: nuclear energy; ecological non-commercial organizations; public opinion; the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom; environmental protection; ecology

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Number 6, 2020