ISSN 0868-4871
En Ru
ISSN 0868-4871
Features of Post-reality and their Influence on the Political Space

Features of Post-reality and their Influence on the Political Space


This article is devoted to the study of the problem of ubiquitous informatization and electronization, which has caused the formation of a peculiar virtual reality as an integral part of actual reality. The author analyzes the features of virtual reality and their infl uence on the political space. The term “post-reality” is used to designate the environment created by the features of the virtual space. The article views in detail such phenomena generated by post-reality as the post- truth created by the merging of politics with the virtual environment and the post-values that directly aff ect the political information agenda. In turn, post-values are divided into simulations of popularity and simulations of achievements because of which real personalities and actions, including those related to politics, are devalued. In turn, they are replaced by virtual analogues, which often do not register in actual reality. At the end of the article the author analyzes the reaction generated by the post-reality, off ering examples of this reaction in politics.


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Keywords: post-reality, virtual reality, post-values, post-truth, virtual reality, political space

Available in the on-line version with: 31.12.2020

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