ISSN 0868-4871
En Ru
ISSN 0868-4871
The Management Structure of the Personnel Reserve of Russian Federation State Authorities

The Management Structure of the Personnel Reserve of Russian Federation State Authorities


This article presents an analysis of the personnel reserve management structure of the state bodies of the Russian Federation. On the basis of current legislation, the author describes two independent categories of personnel reserve, diff ering in goals and objectives, within the Federation system of public administration. The fi rst category includes the personnel reserve in public service, designed to ensure the activities of state bodies at the federal and regional levels. The general management of the system of selection and training of new employees is carried out by the government. A second category includes the reserve of managerial personnel created to replace senior managers in state bodies at the federal and regional levels. A separate type of reserve of managerial personnel is the presidential personnel reserve, designed for the rapid replacement of key positions by decision of the head of state. According to the author, the defi nition of the structure of the personnel reserve will help to eliminate contradictions in the understanding of the specifi cs of the formation of the personnel reserve at diff erent levels of government and to identify the features of the selection and preparation of new candidates for positions in each category.


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Keywords: personnel reserve, structure, civil service, senior civil servants, personnel policy

Available in the on-line version with: 31.12.2020

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Number 1, 2019