ISSN 0868-4871
En Ru
ISSN 0868-4871
Scientifi c-Technical Romanticism: The Basis of the Construct and a Modern Updating

Scientifi c-Technical Romanticism: The Basis of the Construct and a Modern Updating


This article is devoted to the substantiation of the concept of the political and philosophical phenomenon of scientifi c-technical romanticism. This phenomenon arose during the Enlightenment at the junction of political philosophy and culture, was developed in the worldview of 19th century thinkers and reached its apogee in the 20th century, primarily in the Soviet Union during the era of breakthroughs in space science and atomic energy. Scientifi c-technical romanticism is considered in the article as a formed unity of three component elements: a) anthropological optimism; b) socio-political scientism; and c) humanistic technocratism. The authors lay out the essence of this phenomenon, in its development aspiring to become the highest demiurge capable of radically changing the world. The immanence of the expression of political-philosophical refl ection in both rational and artistic-fi gurative forms allows us to attribute the phenomenon of scientifi c-technical romanticism, the article maintains, to the sphere of political and philosophical research and consider it in this context outside the subject fi elds of literary criticism, cultural studies and philosophy of culture.


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Keywords: political-philosophical phenomenon, scientifi c-technical romanticism, the nuclear breakthrough, space breakthrough, political ideals, political philosophy

Available in the on-line version with: 31.12.2020

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Number 1, 2019