ISSN 0868-4871
En Ru
ISSN 0868-4871
Social Technologies in Foreign Policy: Theory and Practice

Social Technologies in Foreign Policy: Theory and Practice


This article treats the study of the theoretical foundations of the use of social technologies in foreign policy, describing various stages in the development of social technologies as well as their role in the foreign policy of modern states in achieving a leading position in the international arena. The author maintains that in the context of a changing world order, states seeking to strengthen their positions in the world actively use various forms and methods of humanitarian infl uence on the populations and political leadership of opposing states. Modern states employ various forms and types of social technologies, the article continues, for expansion in various areas of geopolitical space: territorial, economic, informational, social, cultural and ideological. The author further outlines the various forms and means of applying social technologies in foreign policy that are included in the arsenal of non-military methods for implementing a nation’s foreign policy objectives.


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Keywords: social technologies in foreign policy, political science, international relations, foreign policy, social technologies, social engineering, soft power, information wars, cultural expansion, color revolution

Available in the on-line version with: 31.12.2020

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Number 4, 2019