ISSN 0868-4871
En Ru
ISSN 0868-4871
The Novels of Nikolai Pomyalovsky “Bourgeois Happiness” and “Molotov” and the Formation of the Raznochintsy’s Class Consciousness: A Political and Textual Analysis

The Novels of Nikolai Pomyalovsky “Bourgeois Happiness” and “Molotov” and the Formation of the Raznochintsy’s Class Consciousness: A Political and Textual Analysis


This article off ers an analysis of “Bourgeois Happiness” and “Molotov,” two novels by Nikolai Pomyalovsky that present an artistic conceptualization of the formation of the consciousnes of the raznochintsy class. The heroes of Pomyalovsky’s novels, Yegor Molotov and Mikhail Cherevanin, personify two strategies for the behavior of representatives of the new class. Molotov integrates into the existing structure of society and comes to creatie a bourgeois “idyll.” Cherevanin refuses to integrate, becomes a pessimist and chooses a path of self-destruction. The search for a mission by both heroes ends in failure. Molotov and Cherevanin do not have faith in their own strength and lack a clear understanding of what to do. But the artistic conceptualization of such searches undertaken by Pomyalovsky had a greater socio-political signifi cance. Pomyalovsky began the work to be completed by Nikolai Chernyshevsky, another well-known writer of the raznochintsy class. And the achievment of Chernyshevsky was that he united the disparate parts of the unformed raznochintsy consciousness in a comprehensive doctrine that he presented in the novel “What Is to Be Done?”


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Keywords: Nikolai Pomyalovsky, Nikolai Chernyshevsky, raznochintsy, “thinking proletariat,” nihilism

Available in the on-line version with: 31.12.2020

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Number 4, 2020