ISSN 0868-4871
En Ru
ISSN 0868-4871
The Conceptual Space of Modern Media Studies: The Political Science Dimension

The Conceptual Space of Modern Media Studies: The Political Science Dimension


The dynamic change in the realities of the modern world has led to, among other things, the transformation of the political resource of the mass media. The mass media has a much greater infl uence on the political process today than it did at the end of the last century. Major changes have taken place both in the functioning of the press and in the discourse in which it is customary to consider it. In this regard, this article is devoted to the analysis of terms that have become quite popular and in demand in a short time, despite the fact that they are relatively new to the categorical corpus of political communication studies. Having studied the content of the most frequently cited works in the “Science Index” system (RSCI: Russian Science Citation Index) that touch on these subjects, the author identifi es the main meanings attached to the concepts of “post-truth” and “ fake”; identifi es similarities and diff erences between disinformation and misinformation, verifi cation and factchecking; and formulates specifi c ways to counter the manipulative infl uence of the mass media on the audience.


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Keywords: mass media, post-truth, fake, disinformation, fact-checking, media literacy

Available in the on-line version with: 31.12.2020

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Number 4, 2020