ISSN 0868-4871
En Ru
ISSN 0868-4871
Russia’s Foreign Policy Goals in the Middle East: The Political Aspect

Russia’s Foreign Policy Goals in the Middle East: The Political Aspect


This article is devoted to the study of the political aspect of Russia’s foreign policy goals in the Middle East. The author draws attention to the global megatrends that, taking on regional specifi city, signifi cantly aff ect the regional system of international relations and, as a consequence, the formulation of Russia’s foreign policy goals in the Middle East. The article identifi es such manifestly significant megatrends as the globalization/regionalization of world politics; the changing role of the West in the international arena; high demographic dynamics; and the increasing importance of the religious factor in public life and public consciousness. Based on an analysis of the infl uence of the these trends on the Middle East region, the author sets out and substantiates a thesis of what can be considered the main political goals of Russia in the Mddle East, to wit: promotion of infl uence in the region by participating in the settlement of Middle East confl icts; assistance in the creation of a regional security system; and the creation of a favorable environment for the realization of economic interests in the region.


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Keywords: Middle East, megatrends, Middle Eastern specifi cs of megatrends, political interests of Russia

Available in the on-line version with: 31.12.2020

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Number 3, 2020